My most beautiful friend was Sandibel at a 1.616cm (1.618 is the Golden Ratio). She was the closest one to the Golden Ratio. Everyone else was not that far off though. The Golden Ratio is used to determine how beautiful you are. This could have occurred because of many things. She might really be my most beautiful friend or it could have been helped a little by the shoes she was wearing or quick measurements by me. Many things could have gone wrong, but according to what was measured in class Sandibel is my most beautiful friend, but that does not mean that everyone else is ugly. The other measurements simply did not measure up to Fibonacci. They were off by parts of a centimeter; they were all extremely close.
I do not believe that this is a valid measurement. Many things can go wrong when you are measuring someone. The measurements could be imprecise or changed due to what you are wearing. Different people measure differently. I simply cannot trust this ratio. I do not believe that I measure the best or the most precise. The Golden Ratio may or may not be true, but in this test run I do not believe that it is completely accurate or valid (sorry you guys). It is very interesting though.
Foot to
Naval: 97 cm
Naval to Top
Head: 68 cm
97cm/68cm= 1.426 cm
(1.426cm+ 2.15cm+ 1.178cm)/3=
1.585 cm
Navel to
Chin: 43 cm
Chin to Top
Head: 20 cm
43cm/20cm= 2.15 cm
Knee to Naval:
53 cm
Foot to
Knee: 45 cm
53cm/45cm= 1.178 cm
Foot to
Naval: 106 cm
Naval to Top
Head: 64 cm
106cm/64cm= 1.656 cm
(1.656cm+ 2.095cm+ 1.057cm)/3=
1.596 cm
Navel to
Chin: 44 cm
Chin to Top
Head: 21 cm
Ratio: 44cm/21cm=
2.095 cm
Knee to
Naval: 56 cm
Foot to
Knee:53 cm
56cm/53cm= 1.057 cm
Foot to
Naval: 103 cm
Naval to Top
Head: 62 cm
103cm/62cm= 1.661 cm
(1.661cm+ 2.25cm+ 1.14cm)/3=
1.684 cm
Navel to
Chin: 45 cm
Chin to Top
Head: 20 cm
Ratio: 45cm/20cm=
2.25 cm
Knee to
Naval: 57 cm
Foot to
Knee: 50 cm
57cm/50cm= 1.14 cm
Foot to
Naval: 112 cm
Naval to Top
Head: 73 cm
112cm/73cm= 1.534 cm
(1.534cm+ 2.273cm+ 1.16cm)/3=
1.656 cm
Navel to
Chin: 50 cm
Chin to Top
Head: 22 cm
50cm/22cm= 2.273 cm
Knee to
Naval: 58 cm
Foot to
Knee: 50 cm
58cm/50cm= 1.16 cm
Foot to
Naval: 89 cm
Naval to Top
Head: 60 cm
89cm/60cm= 1.483 cm
(1.483 cm+ 2.25cm+ 1.116cm)/3=
1.616 cm
Navel to
Chin: 45 cm
Chin to Top
Head: 20 cm
45cm/20cm= 2.25 cm
Knee to
Naval: 48 cm
Foot to
Knee: 43 cm
48cm/43cm= 1.116 cm