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Welcome to Kathleen O.'s Math Analysis Blog!
Hello lovelies and welcome to the math center where the real adventure in the math world begins. Come along for the ride.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

SV#3: Unit H Concept 7: Log Approximations

The video is all about log approximations. It is a treasure hunt that is full of joy. You are expanding a problem from one log to many. It is really quite simple. It is a lot of fun and I hope you enjoy it.
 You must be careful though. This is not as easy as it seems. Make sure that your signs match up. If you are using a product use an addition sign to connect the logs. If it is a quotient then make sure to connect the logs using a subtraction sign. Those are your lines on the map that guide you to the x, the final approximation. Be careful and have fun.
Thank you for watching and I am sorry for the few mistakes and stuffy speech, I am at tad bit sick. Flu season, but really enjoy lovelies.

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